Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Renfaire 2020 Progress Report

After finishing my ruff yesterday, I decided to try on my entire Venetian ensemble- hair and all- to see what I still need to do before the Colorado Renaissance Festival starts.  Sure, it's been delayed until August because of the pandemic, but what if I need to shop around for a while for something?  So I did my hair and put on my whole outfit, took some cute pictures, and wore it around my house for a while.  I concluded that I need a couple of things to complete the look:

  • Earrings.  The ones I wore for the pictures sort of work, but aren't really right for the 16th century.  
  • More rings.  I own a lot of rings, but most of them were purchased at highland games, and definitely don't look right for the Italian Renaissance!  I only have two that work, and would like more.  
  • A veil.  Italian ladies are usually depicted with their hair uncovered, but often have a fine silk veil pinned in to their elaborate hairstyles.
  • A mask.  We're all probably going to have to wear them this year, so I might as well do it properly and find something that looks "period."  More research required here.
  • An underskirt of some kind.  Maybe a corded petticoat or farthingale?  my skirt could use more volume!  Again, more research is required.
I also decided I need a couple of things that don't really show but would make my life easier:
  • Drawers.  I have no intention of wearing bike shorts under this dress, and drawers are the renaissance solution.
  • Garters.  I'm going to be too busy at faire to pull my socks up every few minutes!
  • A pocket.  I have one, but the tie is red, and would show under this dress, so I need to make one with a white tie!  Edit: my pocket is done!
And naturally, there were a couple of things about my outfit that weren't quite working as intended:
  • My sleeves are a little too tight at the tops, which is causing them to slide down and pull the dress straps with them.  This should be a pretty easy fix.
  • I should probably get a slipperier ribbon than the velvet one I used for my hair.  It works, but silk would be easier to use!
  • My camica sleeves are too long!  This is another easy fix.
All in all, though, I'm really happy with my progress on this outfit!  Things are coming together well, and I should have no trouble getting the things I need done before August!

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